Magical effect of Corona on Environment

Magical effect of Corona on Environment

Lockdown due to  Corona virus  has cleared pollution after decades –  it has reduced respiratory patients.
Air pollution, which caused untimely deaths of millions of people worldwide every year, has diminished due to the Corona epidemic. The lockdown imposed in the wake of the corona virus that has orchestrated death became a lifeline for the environment. The lockdown was suggested as a new way to keep pollution under control by scientists around the world from about a month ago.

If we talk about the high tech city of Uttar Pradesh, Noida, then after decades, the sky has shown its true blue color. Not only this, the stars are now clearly visible with the moon in the night. The reason is the complete lockdown to defeat the invisible enemy named Corona virus (Covid-19).
Lockdown gave many countries success in stopping the spread of the virus. But, even greater success has been achieved in defeating the pollution for the whole world. In Noida too, the lockdown has a magical effect on the environment. Due to this, the number of patients with breathing, asthma and other lung diseases has also decreased.

It is worrying says the WHO report that the whole world is a victim of air pollution, but for India this problem is becoming more deadly. According to a WHO report, 14 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are from India. According to the report, more than 90 percent of the world’s children are forced to breathe toxic air. In the year 2016, about 06 lakh children under 15 years of age lost their lives due to respiratory tract infection caused by air pollution. According to the report, air pollution is the cause of death of one out of every 10 children below 05 years.

Stringent rules could not stop pollution: Central and state governments of India took many strict steps to stop fatal air pollution. Action was taken on the polluters, including heavy fines, challans of vehicles and industries and FIRs and sending them to jail. However, it did not succeed in reducing pollution. Although millions of people worldwide are suffering from Corona, the people of the country want improved quality of life due to the changed environment because of  the lockdown imposed to reduce Corona virus impact. Experts say that as a strategy, lockdown should be considered in a timely manner to keep pollution under control in the future.

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