Importance of religion in life

Importance of religion in life

Main Religions in India are:

Hinduism, Islam, Christianity,Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism

 Importance of religion in life. Many religions are in vogue in the world. Every country has its own religion. Different religions were born in different parts of Asia. It is a matter of course that every religion taught human beings the lesson of brotherhood and humanism. All religions have the same message:

(i) Love human beings,

(ii) Be good to all,

(iii) Be tolerant,

(iv) Be generous towards life,

(v) Be kind to every living being,

(vi) Let all human beings be benevolent.

History tells us that ‘Hinduism’ is the oldest of all the religions of the world. It is followed by Islam and Christianity. Judaism is the oldest among Christians. Zoroastrianism was born in Iran. Confucian religion was born in China.
Nowhere in the world are there as many religions in India. Those who did not accept the complexities of Hinduism, formed their religion separately. Then tried to generate interest in people towards their religion. Jainism and Buddhism are prominent among these religions.
Buddhism and Jainism have developed under Hinduism. They are Hindus, even though they have a large number of believers and have a different religion. Zoroastrianism is practiced in Iran and Caucasian religion in China.

Judaism is in Israel, while Islam is practiced in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iran and almost all countries of the world except Arab countries. The number of Christians is very high in all the countries of the East. Christianity is the largest religion in the world.

There are number of Christians in all parts of the world. We cannot make a religion big or small on the basis of numbers. Those who follow their own religions with a sincere heart do not oppose any religion; Because they know that the purpose and essence of all religions is the same.

Today people who are thirsty for each other’s blood with the guise of their religion, they neither really know nor try to know the heart of religion. They know to kill and rob in the name of religion. Such people actually act against religion. Such people should be boycotted from society.

Hinduism. Hinduism is the oldest religion. Its believers number in crores. They believe in the worship of gods and goddesses. If a creature dies, it has to be born again after death, believers in Hinduism believe in it. They also follow the ‘principle of karma’.

Scholars say that the word ‘Sanatana’ means eternal, permanent and ancient. For this reason Hinduism is also called ‘Sanatan Dharma’. Swami Dayanand Saraswati, the founder of Arya Samaj, has called Hinduism ‘Vedic Religion’. Their reasoning behind this is that Vedic religion is Sanatana Dharma and the same is true Hinduism.

It is true that the oldest religion in the history of the world’s religions is ‘Vedic Religion’. Vedic religion begins from where the Vedas begin. All of the old religions were abolished, but the Vedic religion is still alive. The main reason for this is that Vedic religion relies on spiritual elements. They are such spiritual elements, which science also accepts.

The great scholars of Hinduism, with their wisdom, put an end to the crises on their religion. Those scholars include Vyas, Vasistha, Patanjali, Shankaracharya, Ramanuja, Kabir, Tulsi, Nanak, Raja Ram Mohan Rai, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Ramatirth, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Maharishi Aravind, Dr. Bhagwandas, Dr. Sarvapalli The works of Radhakrishnan, Chakravarti Rajagopalachari etc. were commendable.

From time to time, these scholars put forward their points in front of the people with full logic in favor of Hinduism. Hinduism is such a banyan tree which has as many branches and deities as it has. The number of Hindus who believe in all those deities is very large.

Not only this, every person has complete freedom to worship his own deity. By the way, the main gods of Hindus are: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. Mahesh is also known as ‘Shankar’. Those who believe in Vishnu and Shankar are divided into two classes. The first class is the ‘Vaishnava sect’ and the second class is the ‘Shaiva sect’.

There is a huge difference in the form, characteristics, nature, method of worshiping them and the fruits derived from them. There is a great difference in the worship method of ‘Vaishnavas’ and ‘Shaivas’, shape-type of idol, beliefs, values etc. In addition to these deities, Hinduism and Shri Krishna are worshiped in Hinduism.
In Hinduism, Sri Ram and Shri Krishna are considered to be the incarnation of Vishnu. Krishna’s leela has been named ‘Rasleela’. Krishna-devotees organize Raslilaas from place to place. The followers of Krishna are not only in India, but they are also in large numbers abroad. The people of the west are very impressed by Krishna’s life-philosophy.

One of the great features of Hinduism is that it has an equal participation of nature and man, woman and man, within the method of worship. The place of goddesses in Hinduism precedes that of the gods. For example: Sita-Rama, Radha-Krishna, Uma-Shankar etc.

Islam Hazrat Muhammad, the originator of Islam religion, has been considered. Hazrat Muhammad Saheb was born in Mecca in 570. His father was an ordinary businessman. From his childhood, Mohammad was a thoughtful man.

When he was very young, he used to get unconscious. It is said that they used to remember Allah at that time. Later, seeing his religious interest, Muslims considered him their religious leader. From time to time, Muhammad Sahib gave religious teachings in many places.

Later Muhammad’s teachings were written and renamed as ‘Quran Sharif’. The religion propounded by Muhammad Sahab was called ‘Islam Dharma’. Islam means ‘path of peace’. Mecca is the holy place of Muslims. Those opposed to his doctrine campaigned against the principles of Islam. This situation became very fragile.
In this way, the life of Muhammad Sahab was also threatened. Sensing the seriousness of the matter, his disciples took Muhammad to Madinah. In this way Muhammad sahib left Mecca and started living in Medina. He went to Medina in 622 AD. Hijri sir starts from the year 622 itself.

While living in Medina, Muhammad Sahib propagated his religion. In this way Islam spread throughout the Arab countries. There was a delay for Muhammad Sahab to leave Mecca, slowly the residents of Mecca started following the path described by Mohammad.

The residents of Mecca accepted ‘Islam Dharma’ in one voice. Muhammad Sahib understood that the foundation of Islam religion in Medina has deepened. Then they decided to move forward. He went to ‘Hajjaj’. After that he also went to a place called ‘Najat’.

A hundred years after the death of Muhammad, the Islamic religion spread effectively throughout the world. The holy scripture of Islam religion is considered as ‘Quran Sharif’. According to ‘Quran Sharif’, ‘Allah’ is the creator of this creation. All the creatures in this world are all captives of Allah.

Islam does not believe in any deity other than Allah. This is why Muslim people swear that they will believe in the justice of Allah till the doom. As far as the propagation of Islam religion in India is concerned, its period is considered to be Sir12.

The propagation of this religion in India accelerated during the Sultanate period. After this, when the Mughals ruled India, the number of followers of this religion increased more. Those who do not believe in Islam have been called infidels. All the five times of worship should be performed in the worship of Allah

Christianity The originator of Christianity is Jesus Christ. Christians know him as ‘Lord Jesus’. According to the Bible, Jesus means ‘savior’. Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. There he was born to Joseph, a carpenter named Joseph, from the womb of his fiancée Mary.

He was then named ‘Immanuel’. Immanuel means: ‘God is with us’. In those days there was the rule of a king. His name was Haredes. He was of evil instinct. He was very angry with Jesus Christ. He made a plan to kill Jesus Christ.

When Yusuf got the idea, he left with his son Isa and fiancé Maryam. Joseph married Mary. Followers of Jesus considered him a ‘miraculous child’. When Jesus was twelve years old, he went to Jerusalem. There he studied law. He studied and meditated on many texts related to the Christian incarnation.

In this way, Jesus gained knowledge of many things related to God. That sermon has great significance for Christians. That sermon was named ‘Sermon of the Hill’. Under ‘Sermon of the Hill’ is ‘Essence of Christianity’. A large number of people gathered near the hill of Capernaum to hear this sermon of Jesus.

His teachings irritated the religious leaders of Jerusalem. How could they tolerate that Jesus would disprove their doctrines. Then there was so much influence in Jesus’ words that no one was going to listen to the teachings of other religious leaders.

In this way the influence of Jesus increased day by day and he became the favorite of the people. Everyone started considering him as the ‘messenger of God’. On the other hand, because of their increasing influence, the burning religious people became their enemies. The contractors of religion wanted to get Jesus out of their way as soon as possible. For this he did a trick.

They brought a disciple of Jesus on their side. Thus the disciple of Jesus betrayed Jesus. Jesus was prosecuted. He was hanged and punished. Jesus is still known for justice, love, non-violence and duty-keeping.

Christian people have full faith in the Lord Jesus. They consider him the ‘true messenger of God’. This is why people believe in Jesus being the Messiah. People have to be ‘baptized’ to accept Christianity. It is a type of religious ritual.

It has to be bathed with holy water. The great thing about the Christian people was that they started serving poor and helpless people without any selfishness. This made people understand his generosity. Gradually they joined them. The number of Christians increased rapidly.

Christian people have spread in countries like Asia Minor, Syria, Macedonia, Greece, Rome, Egypt etc. Christians visit the church every Sunday. There they participate in group prayers. The Holy Scriptures read the Bible. Christians observe fast on Wednesday and Friday.

Buddhism Mahatma Buddha is the originator of Buddhism. He was born to King Shuddhodan at a place called Lumbini. At the time of his birth, astrologers had told that this child will either become a Chakravarti emperor or a monk who illuminates the whole world with his supernatural knowledge.

Therefore, for this fear, the king collected many resources of color for the child. But he did not like the royalty. Once they rode the chariot for a walk and came out of the palace. He saw a shabby body in old age, looked at the patient, then saw a dead man carrying the ashes.

These had an indelible impact on his life. To prevent Gautama from going towards Vairagya, King Shuddhodhana got him married to a beautiful girl (princess) named Yashodhara. He also had a son named Rahul.
Mahatma Buddha started thinking of ways to get rid of sorrows and sufferings. One night, he left his wife and son sleeping, and set out in search of knowledge. Attended many places. Troubled the body, kept a long fast, but did not stop the mind in meditation.

Finally one day in Bodh Gaya, meditating under a Peepal tree (Bodhi tree). He attained enlightenment after rigorous practice. For this reason, he was named ‘Buddha’. Buddha means ‘awakened’, ‘conscious’, ‘knowledgeable’ etc. Now he had given some teachings to the people. Those teachings have been given the name of ‘Char Arya Satya’, which are as follows:

  1. All sad, 2. Grief community, 4. Opposition to suffering, 4. The opposing way of suffering.

In fact, Gautama Buddha has especially emphasized the qualities of non-violence, peace, mercy, forgiveness etc. in his teachings. The treatise in which the teachings of Lord Buddha have been compiled is called ‘Dhammapada’. There are statues of Buddha in Buddhist temples. A place called ‘Sarnath’ near Varanasi is famous for its Buddhist temple. The followers of Buddha (walking on the path of Buddha) are called ‘Buddhist monks’.

They live in monasteries. Many monasteries were established in that period. Many kings adopted Buddhism. Emperor Ashoka adopted Buddhism and then spread rapidly. Ashoka sent his son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra to Lanka to spread Buddhism. The favorite Kirtan sentences of Buddhists are: Buddha Sharanam Gachchami, Dhamma Sharanam Gachchami.

Jainism ‘Ahimsa Paramo Dharma:’ This is the basic mantra of Jains. Creativity is a great sin for them. It is said that when there was darkness all around in India, people were living a turbulent life, at the same time two children were born in North India. They were both child princes.

These two children grew up in India, the work done by Prophet Muhammad, and the work done by Martin Luther King in Germany. The names of these two boys were Mahavir Swami and Gautam Buddha respectively.
Mahavir Swami is called the twenty-fourth Tirthankara of Jainism. All the leading religious leaders among the Jains have been called ‘Tirthankaras’ with numbers. Thus, Lord Mahavira is considered the originator of Jainism, but the first Tirthankara Rishabhdev (Rishabhanath) is truly credited with establishing this religion.

According to Jain tradition, Mahavira was the twenty-fourth Tirthankara of Jainism. Followers of Jainism believe in twenty four Tirthankaras. Mahatma Parshvanath was the twenty-third and Mahavir Swami was the twenty-fourth Tirthankara. Parshvanath was born around the seventh century BCE.

Mahatma Parshvanath had an important contribution in advancing Jainism. Mahatma Parshvanath worked to popularize Jainism in every way. After that Mahavir Swami came. In every way, he reformed and rejuvenated Jainism.

He greatly influenced the public with his teachings. Influenced by his teachings, most people accepted Jainism. Jainism is far from fraud. This religion is very liberal and condemns those who commit violence. The basic tone of this religion is: Avoid violence.

In addition, Jainism says:

(i) Do not steal.

(ii) Nobody should be loved.

(iii) Do not lie.

(iv) One should remain pure from mind, word and deed.

(v) The senses should be subdued.

Jains live their lives in a very straightforward and simple way. These people attach great importance to religion in their lives. The goal of life is to consider salvation. Moksha means to become free from the movement of the soul in the world. Salvation is attained when man attains liberation from the bondage of karma.

This is the reason why Jains have adopted three ways to attain salvation, which are as follows:

  1. Samyak Darshan,
  2. Right knowledge and
  3. Proper character.

Sikhism Six religion is not a religion but a cult whose promoter is Guru Nanak Dev. It is an integral part of Hinduism. Some people mistake it as a separate religion. Guru Nanak Dev was born in the village of Talwandi in Lahore province in the year 149.

His father’s name was Mehta Kaluchand. He was employed in the post of scribe. When Nanak grew up, Maulvi Qutbuddin made him learn Persian. Maulvi Sahab was a Sufi saint. Apart from Persian, Nanak also gained knowledge of Sanskrit and Hindi. Along with this study, he also started increasing his knowledge about religion.
When his father came to know about this, he explained to his son the situation of the household. He asked Nanak to start some work to earn food. It had no effect on Nanak. Realizing this situation, the father married her.

Even after marriage, there was no change in them. His father got him a job, but he was not at all aware of his job. Instead of going to work, he used to go to a nearby forest. There he used to lay down the works of Ramanand and Kabir. Thus the words of these saints changed the life-stream of Nanak.

Nanak was fiercely opposed to caste, caste and idolatry. Nanak has given the importance of Guru to the highest position in his religion. He argues that having a guru is essential for worshiping a god. This is why the Guru tradition remains in the Sixth Religion even today.

Nanak traveled far and wide to spread his word far and wide. His beloved disciple ‘Mardana’ lived with him. Manly was a very good hymn-singer. Nanak used to fascinate people with his preaching. He kept his views from place to place.

People were very impressed by the thoughts of Guru Nanak Dev. Four trips are very important in his travels. They have been considered big trips. They are called ‘sad’. Guru Nanak Dev died in Sir 1537. His disciple Angad became Guru after Nanak Dev.

Arjun Dev, the fifth Guru of the Sixes, compiled the teachings of Nanak and the compositions of Ramanand and Kabir in a treatise called ‘Granth Sahab’. The tenth Guru Govind Singh gave this treatise the honor of ‘Guru’. Since then this book is called ‘Guru Granth Sahab’.

After the Mughals cut off the head of the ninth Guru Tegh Bahadur, Guru Govind Singh asked his disciples to wear kacha, kadha, comb, kirpan and kesha — these five kakaras (words beginning with ‘a’). Not only this, they prepared the Sixes for war.

Since then a sect of Sixes was formed, known as ‘Khalsa’. Guru Nanak Dev said that the essence of all religions is the same. According to him: “Aval Allah Noor Numaya Kudrat De Sab Bande. All the world is good with one noise, who is good, who is slow. ”

Just as Kabir has condemned the outward appearances, Guru Nanak Dev criticized the pomp and hatred spread in the society. Guru Nanak said: The person who surrenders himself in front of the will of God, he attains his goal.

Persian religion. Parsi Religion Zoroastrianism was born in Persia. The same Persia, which we know today as Iran. Zoroastrianism was initiated by Zoroastrianism. Zoroaster was born in Azerbaijan in the seventh century BC.

Zoroaster’s father’s name was: Porusharp. His father was of ‘Spitama’ dynasty. His mother’s name was Drudhova. She was also of a superior lineage. His mother is said to have given birth to him at the age of just fifteen. A divine light entered the womb of Drudhadhova, from which Zoroaster was born.

Zoroaster was a miraculous child. Zoroaster enjoyed performing various types of leela like Krishna. Many of his miraculous stories are well known. It is said that he started his studies at the age of seven. By the age of fifteen years, he had acquired knowledge of religion and science.

He then returned to his home, then spent his next fifteen years contemplating and meditating. He practiced for a long time, then he got the light of knowledge. The date on which the Zoroaster received the light of knowledge was May 5, 730 BC. This date is considered the ‘first year’ in Zoroastrianism.


The God of Zoroastrian knowledge is also called the ‘God of Light’. In this way they call the god of light ‘Ahura-Mazda’. ‘Ahura-Mazda’ is considered to be the greatest deity of the Parsis. The Zoroastrians worship the ‘Ahura-Mazda’, the creator and protector of the world.

Thus ‘Zoroastrianism’ was laid to worship Ahura-Mazda. Where Parsis do their religious work, it is called ‘Fire Tempil’. People who worship at the place also worship in their own way. Some of them worship four times a month and some people worship every day.

Parsis do not burn nor bury their deceased. The strange thing is that these dead bodies are left as they are. They eat vultures and crows etc. The place where the Parsis leave the dead is called ‘Tower of Silence’. In this way they leave the deceased on that roof.

Parsi boys of seven and eight years have sacrificial rites like the Hindus. At the time of marriage, when the bride and groom sit in the Yagya-mandapa, then witnesses on both sides are also present there. Their number is 2 and also more than 2.

At the time of marriage, in the form of Coconuts, Akshat, etc. are thrown on the bride and groom in the Hindus, similarly in the Parsi religion this ritual is also performed. In Zoroastrianism some things are similar to Christianity and some Hinduism. Like Hindus, Parsis also believe in heaven and hell.

The Zoroastrians believe that the soul reaches the hereafter after death. The accounts of their deeds are seen there. Then the judgment is pronounced whether he is partaker of virtue or sin. There is a similar belief among Hindus.


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