Coronavirus Lockdown: PM Modi extended lockdown till May 3

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has extended the lockdown imposed on the Coronavirus crisis till May 3, 2020.

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi has extended the lockdown imposed on the coronavirus crisis till May 3.

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi (PM Narendra Modi) addressed the country on Tuesday regarding the Coronavirus crisis. On the last day of the current phase of the lockdown, Prime Minister Modi said that India’s fight against the Corona global epidemic is moving forward strongly. India has so far been able to avert the damage caused by coronavirus. You have saved the country by suffering. I understand how much trouble you must have had. You are playing the role of soldiers determined for the country. The Prime Minister has announced to extend the lockdown till 3 May. At the same time, the Prime Minister said that the rules of lockdown will be further tightened in the next week. By 20 April, every district, town and police station will be tested, where the hotspot is unlikely to increase, some conditional exemption can be given from 20 April.

  • Important information related to the case: India’s fight against the Corona global epidemic is progressing strongly. India has so far been able to avert the damage caused by coronavirus. You have saved the country by suffering. I understand how much trouble you must have had. You are playing the role of soldiers determined for the country.


  • PM Modi said that India has got a huge benefit of social distancing and lockdown. If you look only from the economic point of view, a huge price has to be paid. But people’s lives have a lot of value. Health experts and governments across the world have been made more vigilant. In India too, how should the battle proceed and how can we be victorious .. How can the losses be reduced and the problems of the people reduced. If it is accepted by the governments and citizens of all states, it is suggested to increase the lockdown. Decided to increase the lockdown. It has been decided to extend the lockdown till May 3.


  • I request all my countrymen that now Corona does not allow us to spread to new areas at any cost. If a single patient grows at the local level then this should be a matter of concern for us. We have to be very careful about hotspots. We will have to keep a close watch on the places that are expected to be converted into hotspots.


  • The creation of new hotspots will further challenge our diligence and our austerity. The fight against Corona will be further increased in the next one week. By 20 April, every town, every police station, every district, every state will be tested, how much lockdown is being followed, how much that area has saved itself from Corona, it will be seen.


  • The areas which will be successful in this ordeal, which will not be in the hotspot and whose chances of changing into the hotspot will be less, some important activities can be allowed from April 20. If the rules of lockdown are broken and Corona falls in our area, then all permission will be withdrawn. Therefore, neither have to be negligent nor let others be negligent. Detailed guidelines in this regard will be issued on Wednesday (April 15).


  • Those who earn daily, meet their needs with daily income, they are my family. One of my top priorities is to reduce the difficulty in their lives. The government has made every effort to help them through the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana.


  • PM Modi said that he should follow the rules of lockdown till May 3 with full devotion. Stay where you are, stay safe. ‘Rashtra Rashtra Jagriyam’, we will keep all the nation alive and awake.


  • We will keep patience, follow the rules and we will be able to defeat the epidemic like Corona. Today I am asking for your support in 7 things. We are also moving fast on the health infrastructure front.


  • PM Modi said that while in January we had only one lab for testing corona, now more than 220 labs are being tested.


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