What is Multimedia know.

What is Multimedia know.

Multimedia is a group of many elements such as text, image, art, sound, animation and video etc. All these elements are delivered through a computer or another electronic device. Multimedia is the most important and popular field of information and technology in today’s times. Multimedia is made up of two words. In multimedia, multi means many and media means packages or elements such as text, image, audio, video, animation, etc.

Information under multimedia can be presented through audio, video, image, animation etc. There has been a lot of improvement in the computer sector as well as software. Previously we could send only static pictures or images from one place to another computer through computer. But in today’s time, we can send animation, audio clips, video clips etc. as messages from one computer to another.

Therefor, multimedia is an area of information technology in which text, graphics, audio, video, animation, etc. are controlled through the computer. And is transmitted, processed, stored and described digitally.

A multimedia application is an application that uses a collection of multiple media sources, for example text, graphics, images, sound / audio, animation and / or video. Hypermedia can be considered as one of the multimedia applications.

Multimedia system

Multimedia system is a system capable of processing multimedia data and applications. Multimedia system is that which can do processing, storage, generation, and manipulation of multimedia information.

Characteristics of multimedia systems

A multimedia system has four basic features:

  • Multimedia systems must be computer controlled.
  • A multimedia system is an integrated system meaning that processing, storage, generation, and manipulation can be completed from the same system.
  • The information used by the multimedia system must be displayed digitally.
  • The interface for the final presentation of media is usually interactive.

Components of a Multimedia System

Capture Devices
– Video cameras, video recorders, audio microphones, keyboards, mouse, 3D input devices, touch sensors, VR devices. Digital
Storage / Sampling Hardware Storage Devices
– Hard Disk, CD-ROM, DVD, etc.
Communication Networks
– Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, ATM, Intranet, Internet.
Computer Systems
– Multimedia desktop machines, workstations, MPEG / Video / DSP hardware
output devices (Display Devices)
– CD-quality speakers, HDTVs, SVGA, Hi-Res monitors, color printers, etc.


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