5 things you must know about photography…

5 things you must know about photography…

Are you also fond of taking and taking good pictures? If yes, then pay special attention to these things …

Now most of the people would agree that the pictures of his role are very important in making any person successful and famous. If you also like to take pictures and save them, then we have brought some special information related to the camera for you. After knowing them, your pictures will become relatively beautiful.

1. How does the camera work?
When you press the camera button to take a picture, it opens like a screen, so that the light falls on the sensor through the lens.

In the daytime, the shutter opens for 1/200 second, while at night time the shutter remains open for taking pictures.

2. Why do photos get blurred?
It often happens to all of us that while taking pictures our hands tremble and a good picture gets spoiled. In this case, you can use tripod.

Many times, due to movement in the object whose picture you are taking, it also gets blurred. Shutter speed also plays a big role in this. For that you have to align with the movement of the object.

3. How to focus?
Usually, we focus on the object while taking a picture. It can be any living human, animal or any other thing. For the best picture you have to turn the lens forward or backward. Sometimes you can also follow the object.

4. Digital or Film?
Despite the ease of digital photography, there are still many photographers who find themselves comfortable in using film. In this, photographs are recorded first and later they are developed.

5. What do big lenses use …
Although ordinary photographers do not need additional lenses, but professional photographers have lenses from focal lengths to smaller physical lengths. They use them to focus the object and to increase or decrease the distance.

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