Corona-bound Woman arrives in Aurangabad successful…

Corona-bound woman arrives in Aurangabad successful; Birth of a cute girl

Aurangabad: The successful delivery of a woman with coronary obstruction was made at Aurangabad District Hospital. Both the baby and the baby are safe, doctors said. After the baby is born, his swab samples are taken and Corona is sent for testing. It is the fifth in the world and the second in the country. The 30-year-old pregnant and 17-year-old boy were diagnosed with coronas while coming to Mumbai with a hospital ambulance.

The nine-month-old woman was delivered by the district hospital in a surgical manner. Doctors face the challenge of delivering a Corona-positive woman. On the one hand, the doctors who fought the battle of Corona also paved the way for this new life. It became the world’s fifth maternity crisis. Earlier in China, London, Australia and Mumbai, there were such deliveries. The doctor said the nature of the woman who suffered coronas was also the answer. The baby weighs about three and a half kilograms, and the newborn girl will also be tested for coronas. Three samples of each swab were also taken, the district surgeon said. Powered by Blogger.

In Aurangabad, 28 corona patients have been registered so far in the municipal area. So, both of them died. The first coronet-free patient in the state was born in Aurangabad. Corona was infected by a professor from abroad. After proper treatment, she has returned home coronally.

Corona infection slows down in the state:

There has been news of comfort for all. The state is slowing down the transmission of corona infections. Yesterday, 118 new patients were registered in the state on Friday. This brings the total number of patients to 3320. So far, 31 patients have been discharged home during the day and 331 patients have recovered so far in the state, Health Minister Rajesh Tope said. Of the 61 thousand 740 specimens sent to date, 56,964 have been negative for coronary laboratory samples. So 3320 people came out positive. Meanwhile, yesterday’s data showed the corona infection slowing down. The lockdown and compliance with the rules will slow the citizens further, Tope said.


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